“JCM BLAST Search” released (2024/09/09). |
“Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories” Interview series No.5 (2024/08/21). |
Users’ patents publications updated (2024/08/07). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2024/07/25). |
Dr. Ohkuma received Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Award, and Dr. Hisatomi and two others received Oral Presentation Award (2024/07/24). |
Users’ publications in 2023, updated (2024/06/07). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2024/03/14). |
Users’ patents publications updated (2024/03/13). |
JCM strains with genome sequences determined by the GCM 10K type strain sequencing project have been listed (2024/03/08). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2023/12/07). |
Bacteria can maintain rRNA operons solely on plasmids for hundreds of millions of years (2023/11/15). |
Training course for rapid identification of yeasts/filamentous fungi by MALDI-TOF MS (2023/11/08). Closed |
Call for applications for positions at RIKEN BRC Indefinite-term Research Scientist (2023/10/06). Application closed |
Official X (formerly Twitter) account of JCM (2023/09/01). |
Tsukuba Conference 2023 RIKEN BRC CONCURRENT SESSION (2023/08/17). |
Symbiosis of Carpenter Bees with Uncharacterized Lactic Acid Bacteria Showing NAD Auxotrophy (2023/07/03). |
Users’ publications in 2022, updated (2023/06/08). |
Assessment of metagenomic workflows using a newly constructed human gut microbiome mock community (2023/05/31). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2023/05/30). |
Technical tips for cultivation of archaea and extremophiles (2023/05/23). |
Lists of JCM strains (2023/05/19). Updated |
Revision of Distribution Fees for Bioresources in RIKEN BRC (2023/03/17). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2023/03/15). |
MALDI-TOF MS reference library of various microbial strains under the NBRP Program (2023/02/27). Updated |
Dr. Hashimoto received MSJ Young Investigator Award (2023/01/24). |
Technical training on phylogenetic analysis of fungi (2023/01/13). |
Dr. Kato and two others, and Dr. Hashimoto received ANRRC 2022 Poster Award, respectively (2022/11/24). |
Taxonomic study of polymorphic basidiomycetous fungi Sirobasidium and Sirotrema: Sirobasidium apiculatum sp. nov., Phaeotremella translucens. comb. nov. and rediscovery of Sirobasidium japonicum in Japan (2022/11/16). |
Agarose gel microcapsules enable easy-to-prepare, picolitre-scale, single-cell genomics, yielding high-coverage genome sequences (2022/10/18). |
MALDI-TOF MS reference library of various microbial strains under the NBRP Program (2022/10/14). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2022/09/29). |
Announcement of ANRRC 2022 ONLINE (2022/09/14). Closed |
Nanobdella aerobiophila gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermoacidophilic, obligate ectosymbiotic archaeon, and proposal of Nanobdellaceae fam. nov., Nanobdellales ord. nov. and Nanobdellia class. nov. (2022/08/22). |
Dr. Mitsuo Sakamoto’s work published in MicrobiologyOpen won Top Downloaded Article (2022/06/16). |
Users’ publications in 2021, updated (2022/05/23). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2022/05/10). |
Lists of JCM strains released (2022/05/09). |
Dr. Mitsuo Sakamoto’s work published in MicrobiologyOpen won Top Cited Article 2020-2021 (2022/03/31). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2022/01/25). |
Insight into the symbiotic lifestyle of DPANN archaea revealed by cultivation and genome analyses (2022/01/17). |
Dr. Rikiya Endoh received a Committee Vote in the Online Poster Session of ANRRC 2021 (2021/10/26). |
JCM Seeking a Research Scientist or a Senior Research Scientist (2021/09/13). Application closed |
Sep 24(Fri), RIKEN BRC will hold an online session at Tsukuba Conference 2021 (2021/09/09). Closed |
A Single Bacterium Capable of Oxidation and Reduction of Iron at Circumneutral pH (2021/09/02). |
BRC 20th Anniversary (2021/07/19). |
Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Best Presentation Award was given to Dr. Shingo Kato and Dr. Moriya Ohkuma (2021/07/02). |
Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Incentive Award was given to Dr. Rikiya Endo, Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Incentive Award was given to Ms. Yumi Oshida (2021/06/23). |
Users’ patents publications updated (2021/05/17). |
Lactobacillus nasalidis sp. nov., isolated from the forestomach of a captive proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) (2021/05/10). |
Users’ patents scientific papers in 2020, updated (2021/05/10). |
Validation and standardization of DNA extraction and library construction methods for metagenomics-based human fecal microbiome measurements (2021/04/30). |
D-Fructose assimilation and fermentation by yeasts belonging to Saccharomycetes: Rediscovery of universal phenotypes and elucidation of fructophilic behaviors in Ambrosiozyma platypodis and Cyberlindnera americana (2021/04/05). |
RIKEN Wako, Tsukuba, Sendai Openday 2021 (2021/03/18). Closed |
JCM Mail News delivered (2020/11/26). |
RIKEN BRC Website was renewed (2020/06/30). |
Users’ publications in 2019, updated (2020/06/19). |
11th RIKEN Research Incentive Award was given to Dr. Rikiya Endo (2020/03/10). |
Dr. Shingo Kato has won the Research Encouragement Award in the 20th Annual Meeting of Extremophiles (2019/11/28). |
Announcement of our exhibition during Consortium of “The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan” (2019/11/14). Closed |
JCM Mail News delivered (2019/11/08). |
Announcement of our exhibition during Consortium of “Agribusiness Creation Fair 2019” (2019/10/16). Closed |
Dr. Yuki Nishimura of Microbe Division (JCM) has won Presentation Award in the 14th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis (2019/10/15). |
Dr. Hiroyuki Sakai of Microbe Division (JCM) has won two Poster Awards in the 15th International Congress on Thermophiles (2019/09/26). |
Revision of Distribution Fees for the Bioresources in RIKEN BRC (2019/09/18). |
BRC Open Campus 2019 (Japanese text only) (2019/07/03). Closed |
Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic sulfur- and iron-reducing thaumarchaeote from a terrestrial acidic hot spring (2019/06/11). |
Dr. Yuichi Obata received the Honorable Contribution Award in Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science (2019/05/21). |
Collaboration with WDCM for the Global Catalogue of Microorganisms (GCM) 10K type strain sequencing project (2019/05/21). |
Announcement – New Director Appointed (2019/04/01). |
Users’ publications in 2018, updated (2019/04/25). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2019/02/14). |
We updated a part of order forms for cultures. Please use latest version forms (2019/01/15). |
Call for applications for positions at RIKEN BRC Indefinite-term Research Scientist (2019/01/16). Application closed |
Basic instruction course for physiological characterization of yeasts (2018/12/20). Application closed |
Announcement of our exhibition during Consortium of “The 41th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan” (2018/11/06). Closed |
A novel oleaginous yeast capable of simultaneous glucose and xylose conversion was found (2018/09/21). |
The 10th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) International Meeting (2018/08/10). Closed |
BRC Open Campus 2018 (2018/07/02). Closed |
Users’ publications in 2017, updated (2018/05/29). |
The Recommendation by Science Council of Japan: “The treatment of Digital Sequence Information with respect to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol” (2018/02/15). |
How have the relative of green algae “Prototheca” turned white? – Evolution process uncovered by genome analysis – (2018/01/19). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2017/12/14). |
Announcement of the replacement of credit card payment system in RIKEN BRC (2017/12/12). |
Basic instruction course for microscopy, isolation and preservation of filamentous fungi (2017/12/07). Application closed |
Announcement of our exhibition during Consortium of Biological Sciences 2017 (ConBio2017) (2017/11/07). Closed |
Dr. Rikiya Endoh of Microbe Division (JCM) has won The 9th ANRRC International Meeting Best Poster Award (2017/10/13). |
Users’ publications in 2016, updated (2017/10/03). |
Announcement of bioresources developed by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology (2017/08/01). |
BRC Open Campus 2017 (2017/03/21). Closed |
Users’ publications in 2015, updated (2017/03/06). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2017/02/07). |
The 39th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (2016/10/19). Closed |
Yukihiro Kinjo of Microbe Division has won the 2015 M& E Selection Committee Excellent Research Papers (2016/10/13). |
Training for the cultivation and preservation of anaerobes (2016/10/03). Application closed |
Researchers gain access to microorganisms from ancient tumuli (2016/07/19). |
Dr. Masako Takashima of Microbe Division has won the Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Award (2016/07/13). |
Transfer of microbial strains isolated from wall paintings of the ancient Takamatsuzuka and Kitora tumuli from the Cultural Affairs Agency of Japan (Japanese text only) (2016/06/29). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2016/06/14). |
The Fifth RIKEN BRC-Nanjing University MARC Mouse Resource Workshop 2016 (2016/05/10). Closed |
Users’ publications in 2015, updated (2016/04/27). |
RIKEN Open Campus 2016 (Japanese text only) (2016/04/07). Closed |
The 7th RIKEN Technology Incentive Award was given to Ms. Yumi Oshida (2016/03/28). |
Yukihiro Kinjo of RIKEN BRC Microbe Division has won the SGMJ Excellent presentation award (2016/03/14). |
Draft genome sequencing of more than 120 strains of eukaryotic microbes (Japanese text only) (2016/03/01). |
Genome sequencing of JCM strains under the NBRP program (Eukaryotic microbes) (2016/02/29). |
JCM Mail News delivered (2015/12/10). |
Rodent respiratory infectious bacteria ‘CAR bacillus’ finally got the binomial name 35 years after its first description (2015/12/07). |
BMB2015(38th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, the 88th Japan Biochemical Society Congress Joint Meeting) (2015/11/16). Closed |
Participation Report of 7th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers International Meeting (2015/11/05). |
Technical training on basic handling of aerobic bacteria and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis (2015/10/21). Application closed |
Dr. Rikiya Endoh of Microbe Division (JCM) has won The 7th ANRRC International Meeting Best Poster Award (2015/10/01). |
Mail News delivery started (2015/08/12). |
Users’ publications in 2014, updated (2015/07/13). |
The 7th Asian Network of Research Resource Centers (ANRRC) International Meeting (2015/07/07). Closed |
Dominant ectosymbiotic bacteria of cellulolytic protists in the termite gut also have the potential to digest lignocellulose (Japanese text only) (2015/07/06). |
Research Highlight: Bacteria and immune cells forge a productive partnership (2014/11/07). |
The 37th Annual Meeting of Molecular Biology Society of Japan (2014/10/16). Closed |
Perspectives: Banking on biological tools for research innovation (2014/09/19). |
Joint meeting on Environmental Microbiology (2014/09/16). Closed |
An outline of deposition of a microorganism is updated (2014/08/07). |
Distribution fees revised (2014/04/01). |
Prof. Kazuo Komagata, ex-Director of JCM is to award the Duke of Edinburgh Prize (2014/03/24). |
Dr. Shingo Kato et al. have won the JSE Best Poster Award (2014/03/06). |