JCM Mail News (2025.03.13)

RIKEN BioResource Research Center - Japan Collection of Microorganisms
                      JCM Mail News (2025.03.13)

RIKEN BioResource Research Center - Japan Collection of Microorganisms
(JCM) is pleased to update you with the latest information.

======= Contents =====================================================
- Special topic: Gut microbes isolated by the spore germination
                 induction method
- EMALiMB ver3.0, the MALDI-TOF MS reference library of various
  microbial strains released
- "JCM BLAST Search" released
- Newly cataloged strains (2024.11.01 - 2025.02.28)

Special topic: Gut microbes isolated by the spore germination
               induction method
Our research aims to isolate unidentified and unclassified bacteria
from the human gut and to develop bioresources from the perspective of
securing microbial resources and their utilization. Especially, gut
microbes are relevant to human physiological functions and various
diseases, and are of critical importance in various industrial fields
including drug development; for example, Waltera acetigignens
(JCM 36210), Anaerostipes caccae (JCM 13470T) and Anaerostipes hominis
(JCM 32275T), which have been suggested to form spores, produce
butyric acid. Therefore, it is expected that they will be further
investigated as probiotics in the future. Above-mentioned bacterial
species are known to form spores to protect their cells from stresses
such as heat and acidity and to become resting forms. Cultivation
requires stimuli to induce germination, which is known to be difficult
due to the diversity of germination factors among bacterial species.
Therefore, we introduced a new culture method to induce spore
germination by sterilizing liquid culture medium from fecal material
and adding it to fecal material.
As a result, Bacterial species of the genera Anaerobutyricum,
Roseburia, Ruminococcus, and Waltera were isolated which are expected
to be probiotics. In addition, a number of bacterial species that are
expected to be new species were also isolated. The culture method to
induce spore germination as described above is expected to not only
contribute to the isolation of bacteria, but also to a better
understanding of the original potential of bacteria that cannot be
demonstrated in a resting forms.

Sakamoto et al. 2024. Isolation and characterization of a new Waltera
species and reclassification of Brotolimicola acetigignens Hitch et al.
2022 as Waltera acetigignens comb. nov.
Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 74: 006381.
DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.006381

Kadowaki et al. 2023. Spore-forming properties and enhanced oxygen
tolerance of butyrate-producing Anaerostipes spp.
Anaerobe., 82: 102752
DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2023.102752

Atsushi Hisatomi Ph.D.

EMALiMB ver3.0, the MALDI-TOF MS reference library of various
microbial strains released
JCM, IFM, GTC, and NEKKEN* established a new MALDI-TOF MS reference
library 'EMALiMB' (Expanded MALDI-TOF MS Library for MALDI Biotyper®)
for various microbial strains, and have released the ver3.0. For more
details, please visit the webpage below.


EMALiMB_NBRP_Library_ver3.0 provides 2,000 data of the JCM + IFM
strains (eukaryotic microbes), ca. 1,140 data of the JCM + GTC strains
(prokaryotes), and 14 data of the NEKKEN strains (including Trypanosoma),
etc. In this current version, the MALDI-TOF MS data of anaerobes
including lactic acid bacteria and intestinal bacteria are available.
Please note that the ver3.0 includes the data from the ver2.0.

This project was supported by the FY2020-2021 Fundamental Technology
Upgrading Program of National BioResource Project (NBRP) of the MEXT,
Japan, and we have been adding MALDI-TOF MS data in the current
version of the library. The microbial strains used in this project are
available from JCM, IFM, GTC, and NEKKEN.

* JCM: Japan Collection of Microorganisms, RIKEN BioResource
       Research Center
  IFM: Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba University
  GTC: Center for Conservation of Microbial Genetic Resource, Gifu
  NEKKEN: Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University

Rikiya Endoh, curator of yeasts and yeast-like alga

"JCM BLAST Search" released
"JCM BLAST search" is now available. This feature allows you to search
for JCM strains (or equivalent strains) with genome sequences
homologous to your query sequence. At the present version, only
prokaryotic strains are included.

JCM BLAST search

Newly cataloged strains (2024.11.01 - 2025.02.28)
"Achromobacter cholinophagum"          JCM 20645
Amycolatopsis melonis                  JCM 35654  Type strain
Anaerobaca lacustris                   JCM 39238  Type strain
Aureispira anguillae                   JCM 35024  Type strain
Bacillus suaedaesalsae                 JCM 34525  Type strain
Bengtsoniella intestinalis             JCM 35770  Type strain
Bifidobacterium apicola                JCM 37002  Type strain
Bifidobacterium favimelis              JCM 36315  Type strain
Bifidobacterium favimelis              JCM 36316
"Chloracidobacterium validum"          JCM 39534  Proposed type strain
Chromobacterium sp.                    JCM 20646
Chromobacterium sp.                    JCM 20647
Clostridium lapidicellarium            JCM 36532  Type strain
Clostridium moutaii                    JCM 36530  Type strain
Comamonas halotolerans                 JCM 35999  Type strain
Crenobacter oryzisoli                  JCM 36468  Type strain
Desulfosporosinus paludis              JCM 39521  Type strain
Desulfovibrio falkowii                 JCM 36128  Type strain
Enterobacter chinensis                 JCM 35826  Type strain
Enterobacter rongchengensis            JCM 36189  Type strain
Faecalibacterium wellingii             JCM 39548  Type strain
"Fervidibacter sacchari"               JCM 39283  Proposed type strain
Flavivirga abyssicola                  JCM 36477  Type strain
Flavobacterium flavipigmentatum        JCM 34198  Type strain
Flavobacterium lipolyticum             JCM 34199  Type strain
Flavobacterium pisciphilum             JCM 34197  Type strain
Flavobacterium piscisymbiosum          JCM 34194  Type strain
Geothrix campi                         JCM 39331  Type strain
Halalkalibacter flavus                 JCM 36285  Type strain
Halalkalibacter lacteus                JCM 36286  Type strain
Halomonas sp.                          JCM 20648
"Helicobacter felistomachi"            JCM 39513  Proposed type strain
"Helicobacter gastrocanis"             JCM 39159  Proposed type strain
"Helicobacter gastrofelis"             JCM 39160  Proposed type strain
Hominibacterium faecale                JCM 34755  Type strain
Hyalangium rubrum                      JCM 39263  Type strain
Hydrogenimonas leucolamina             JCM 39184  Type strain
Janibacter alittae                     JCM 36706  Type strain
Kosakonia calanthes                    JCM 36393  Type strain
Lacticaseibacillus jixiensis           JCM 36999  Type strain
Lapidilactobacillus salsurivasis       JCM 36613  Type strain
Lentilactobacillus terminaliae         JCM 35081  Type strain
Litchfieldia suaedae                   JCM 34524  Type strain
Mediterraneibacter flintii             JCM 36130  Type strain
Microbispora maris                     JCM 36778  Type strain
Minisyncoccus archaeiphilus            JCM 39522  Type strain
Novacetimonas hansenii                 JCM 37641
Owariibacterium komagatae              JCM 36131  Type strain
Paenalkalicoccus suaedae               JCM 33851  Type strain
"Parabacteroides absconsus"            JCM 35468  Proposed type strain
Paracoccus benzoatiresistens           JCM 35642  Type strain
"Parasalinivibrio latis"               JCM 36283  Proposed type strain
Pleionea litopenaei                    JCM 36490  Type strain
Porphyromonas miyakawae                JCM 36129  Type strain
Pseudomonas machongensis               JCM 36318  Type strain
"Robertmurraya mangrovi"               JCM 36937  Proposed type strain
Roseomonas cutis                       JCM 34968  Type strain
Rosettibacter firmus                   JCM 39243  Type strain
Rosettibacter primus                   JCM 39244  Type strain
Secundilactobacillus muriivasis        JCM 36612  Type strain
Segatella asaccharophila               JCM 37351  Type strain
Sporosarcina jeotgali                  JCM 36032  Type strain
Sporosarcina oncorhynchi               JCM 36031  Type strain
Sporosarcina trichiuri                 JCM 36034  Type strain
Stenotrophomonas capsici               JCM 36317  Type strain
Streptococcus parapneumoniae           JCM 36068  Type strain
Streptococcus parasalivarius           JCM 36614  Type strain
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37479
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37480
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37481
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37482
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37483
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37484
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37485
Streptomyces avermitilis               JCM 37486
Terrimonas pollutisoli                 JCM 36215  Type strain
Thalassospira aquimaris                JCM 35895  Type strain
Thalassotalea psychrophila             JCM 33807  Type strain
"Thermodesulfovibrio autotrophicus"    JCM 39445  Proposed type strain
"Thermodesulfovibrio obliviosus"       JCM 39444  Proposed type strain
Virgibacillus sp.                      JCM 20649
Winogradskyella marincola              JCM 35950  Type strain
Xanthocytophaga agilis                 JCM 35374  Type strain
Xanthocytophaga flava                  JCM 35375  Type strain
Xanthocytophaga flava                  JCM 35376
Xanthocytophaga flava                  JCM 35377
Yoonia algicola                        JCM 35790  Type strain
Yoonia phaeophyticola                  JCM 35751  Type strain
Yoonia rhodophyticola                  JCM 35753  Type strain

"Halalkalicoccus ordinarius"           JCM 34143  Proposed type strain
"Halalkalicoccus salilacus"            JCM 35075
"Halalkalicoccus salilacus"            JCM 36674  Proposed type strain
"Haloarcula brevis"                    JCM 36146  Proposed type strain
Haloarcula ordinaria                   JCM 30035  Type strain
"Haloarcula regularis"                 JCM 36149  Proposed type strain
"Haloarcula sediminis"                 JCM 36675  Proposed type strain
"Halobellus rubicundus"                JCM 36642  Proposed type strain
"Halovalidus salilacus"                JCM 35096  Proposed type strain
"Natronococcus wangiae"                JCM 33734  Proposed type strain
"Natronococcus zhouii"                 JCM 34160  Proposed type strain
"Natronorarus salvus"                  JCM 34309  Proposed type strain
"Nitrosocosmicus oleophilus"           JCM 31642
Oxyplasma meridianum                   JCM 36570  Type strain

Acaromyces sp.                         JCM 36089
Apiotrichum coprophilum                JCM 24545
Apiotrichum scarabaeorum               JCM 24548
Barnettozyma californica               JCM 24546
Bauerozyma artemisiae                  JCM 36118  Type strain
Boekhoutia foliicola                   JCM 36090  Type strain
Buckleyzyma pseudoaurantiaca           JCM 36091  Type strain
Candida boidinii                       JCM 28611
Candida intermedia                     JCM 24530
Candida tumulicola                     JCM 28220
Carlosrosaea betulae                   JCM 36094  Type strain
Carlosrosaea rhododendri               JCM 36092  Type strain
Carlosrosaea yunnanensis               JCM 36093  Type strain
Chionobium takahashii                  JCM 39510  ex-holotype strain
Colacogloea pararetinophila            JCM 35724  Type strain
Cystastrum sp.                         JCM 24567
Cystobasidium calyptogenae             JCM 23224
Cystobasidium calyptogenae             JCM 23225
Cystobasidium cunninghamiae            JCM 35968  Type strain
Cystobasidium minutum                  JCM 23222
Cystobasidium minutum                  JCM 24543
Derxomyces motuoensis                  JCM 36096  Type strain
Derxomyces paracylindricus             JCM 36097  Type strain
Derxomyces paracylindricus             JCM 36098
Exobasidium lijiangense                JCM 36100  Type strain
Fellomyces sp.                         JCM 24549
Fibulobasidium sp.                     JCM 36101
Fonsecazyma sp.                        JCM 36103
Geotrichum dehoogii                    JCM 35432  Type strain
Geotrichum fujianense                  JCM 36366  Type strain
Geotrichum maricola                    JCM 35433  Type strain
Geotrichum reessii                     JCM 3680 
Geotrichum sinensis                    JCM 36365  Type strain
Geotrichum smithiae                    JCM 35056  Type strain
Halobasidium phyllophilum              JCM 35974  Type strain
Hannaella artemisiae                   JCM 36105  Type strain
Hannaella luteola                      JCM 24534
Hannaella taiwanensis                  JCM 24560
Hannaella theobromatis                 JCM 36106
Holtermannia pseudosaccardoi           JCM 36107  Type strain
Kockovaella cariosiligni               JCM 36108  Type strain
Kwoniella bestiolae                    JCM 24531
Kwoniella bestiolae                    JCM 24532
Kwoniella hippophaes                   JCM 36111  Type strain
Kwoniella lonicerae                    JCM 36110  Type strain
Litoriozyma hainanensis                JCM 35969  Type strain
Meira sp.                              JCM 36112
Meredithblackwellia sp.                JCM 24547
Meyerozyma caribbica                   JCM 28224
Meyerozyma caribbica                   JCM 28227
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28205
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28207
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28212
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28213
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28214
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28215
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28216
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28217
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28218
Meyerozyma guilliermondii              JCM 28219
Microsporomyces betulae                JCM 36119  Type strain
Microsporomyces foliicola              JCM 36099  Type strain
Mrakia pini                            JCM 35971  Type strain
Myxozyma sp.                           JCM 28597
Naematelia sp.                         JCM 35970
Papiliotrema castaneae                 JCM 35973  Type strain
Papiliotrema flavescens                JCM 24533
Papiliotrema leoncinii                 JCM 24551
Papiliotrema sp.                       JCM 24553
Papiliotrema sp.                       JCM 35972
Papiliotrema taeanensis                JCM 24550
Phaeotremella pini                     JCM 36120  Type strain
Phaffia rhododendri                    JCM 36121  Type strain
Pichia membranifaciens                 JCM 28206
Pichia membranifaciens                 JCM 28208
Pichia membranifaciens                 JCM 28209
Pichia membranifaciens                 JCM 28211
Piskurozyma cuscutae                   JCM 36122  Type strain
Piskurozyma liliaceifoliae             JCM 36123  Type strain
Piskurozyma linzhiensis                JCM 36157  Type strain
Piskurozyma nanyiensis                 JCM 36124  Type strain
Pseudohyphozyma sanghuangpori          JCM 36125  Type strain
Pseudotremella hippophaes              JCM 36126  Type strain
Pseudotremella sp.                     JCM 24557
Pseudozyma alboarmeniaca               JCM 12454  Type strain
Pseudozyma crassa                      JCM 12455  Type strain
Pseudozyma siamensis                   JCM 12456  Type strain
Rhodotorula paludigena                 JCM 24539
Rhodotorula sphaerocarpa               JCM 24541
Rhynchogastrema sp.                    JCM 24552
Saccharomyces cerevisiae               JCM 37081
Saccharomyces cerevisiae               JCM 37082
Saccharomyces cerevisiae               JCM 37083
Saccharomyces cerevisiae               JCM 37084
Saccharomyces cerevisiae               JCM 37085
Saitozyma sp.                          JCM 36127
Slooffia terricola                     JCM 36158  Type strain
Solicoccozyma terricola                JCM 24528
Starmerella fangiana                   JCM 36911
Starmerella fangiana                   JCM 36912  Type strain
Starmerella fangiana                   JCM 36913
Takashimella corticis                  JCM 35967  Type strain
Teunia chimonanthi                     JCM 36160  Type strain
Teunia heritierae                      JCM 36161  Type strain
Teunia myricariae                      JCM 36159  Type strain
Teunia parabetulicola                  JCM 36109  Type strain
Teunia quercus                         JCM 36162  Type strain
Teunia rhododendri                     JCM 36164  Type strain
Vanrija silvicola                      JCM 36095  Type strain
Vishniacozyma catalpae                 JCM 36170  Type strain
Vishniacozyma marinae                  JCM 36165  Type strain
Vishniacozyma paravictoriae            JCM 36169  Type strain
Vishniacozyma pini                     JCM 36166  Type strain
Vishniacozyma pyri                     JCM 36168  Type strain
Vishniacozyma sinopodophylli           JCM 36167  Type strain
Vishniacozyma sp.                      JCM 24558
Wickerhamomyces anomalus               JCM 24538
Xenoacremonium sp.                     JCM 36629
Yamadazyma olivae                      JCM 28626
Yamadazyma thunbergiae                 JCM 24746
Yamadazyma thunbergiae                 JCM 24748
Yamadazyma thunbergiae                 JCM 24755

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Microbe Division / Japan Collection of Microorganisms
RIKEN BioResource Research Center 
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan

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