Metarhizium rileyi (formerly Nomuraea rileyi) JCM 12790 was accessioned from the deporitor in 2004 and had been distributed since 2005. Recently the depositor informed us contamination of the original strain and we found that JCM 12790 was wrongly preserved as a different fungus. We obtained the purified strain from the depositor and confirmed its authenticity based on the sequences of the nuclear large subunit rRNA gene D1/D2 region and ITS-5.8S rRNA gene as well as morphological examination. The authentic strain is now available upon request.
Since 2011, we have examined DNA sequences of the PCR-amplified rRNA gene of newly deposited strains and compared the sequences with those provided by depositors of the strains to confirm the authenticity of the culture. However, for the strains deposited before 2011 such as this case, we did not confirm the authenticity by sequencing of the rRNA gene at the time of their deposition. We are now trying to complete confirming the authenticity of the strains that have not yet been done by gene sequencing. Whenever non-confirmed strain is requested, the sequence test is conducted before shipping. We appreciate your support and understanding of our activities.
We informed the users of JCM 12790 on this matter in detail with our sincere apology, asked for stopping its use and announced the replacement.
If you have any question and concern on this matter, please feel free to contact us (